Jidhu Jose Photography

Blogger Interview # 40: Deborah Sloan

1. Can you tell us a little about yourself and your blog?
  My name is Deborah Sloan, I'm a happily married homemaker, and live in South Eastern Colorado on a small farm.  I was born in Colorado and raised in Washington State, but my husband and I returned to Colorado to raise our children.  Baba's Farm Life grew out of our farm life and because my grand-children call me Baba just as my husband called his grandmother Baba, and his mother called her grandmother Baba.  It's a sweet name for Grand-mother given down through the generations that will be carried on by my daughter as well.

2. Are you a full-time blogger?  How did you get into blogging and why.
 Yes, I'm a full time blogger, but I still try to take time for myself and my family.  I got into blogging when my daughter talked me into it.  I think she thought I needed something to do.  She told me to write about what I knew and have fun with it.  So I started into this blogging world three years ago not knowing what I was doing and it's grown ever since.  In September I'll start year number four and am still learning new things every day about the blogging world.

3. If someone was interested in blogging, what would be a few things you would suggest.
Start your blog around something you are passionate about, something you love and center everything around that.  Share what you love with others, new ideas, helpful tips.  Visit other blogs that center around the same things and leave a comment, make a connection with them, share ideas.  Comments are always so appreciated and many times the favor is returned so others will visit your blog as well.

4.  How do you build a community around a blog and Social Media?
This is also a wonderful way to start building a community around your blog.  Connecting with others who have the same interests and ideas.  Sharing what you know and helping others.  Join in forum groups, and other communities around your interests, taking part in weekly memes, photos, all help to build your community of those who share your interests.
5.  What are your three favorite blogs to read?  What makes those blogs special?
There are so many that I love to read, but three that I really enjoy are The Pioneer WomanThe History Buff; andBen Spark.  The Pioneer Woman is often hilariously funny and helpful in many areas; The History Buff keeps me up on the latest history and archaeological finds that have been discovered when I don't have time to check them out myself.  And Ben Spark gives me a Dad's perspective on family life.  All three teach me new things in different areas and I so love learning.

6.  Which one plugin would you suggest all bloggers have?
You have to have a good photo editing software.  Of course a great camera never hurt too.  Whether you use Photo Shop, Paint Shop Pro or another program, it will make all the difference in sharing what you love on your blog with wonderful photos.

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  1. very informative, and loved her favorite blog too

  2. Thanks Jidhu, through your blog, we learn a lot of things and get to know fellow bloggers. Keep going...
