Jidhu Jose Photography

Blogger Interview # 92 : Bree Katsamango​s

Can you tell us a little about yourself and your blog?

My name is Bree. I am 32 years old, I am married to a lovely man and have a gorgeous 14 month old baby boy.
Blog : http://www.twinkleintheeyeblog.com/

Are you a full time blogger? How did you get into blogging and why?

I started my blog not long after I had my little boy. I saw it as a creative outlet where I could share my experience of motherhood and allow others to do the same. I have since returned to work part time, but I continue to blog. I have a lovely community of followers who I enjoy engaging with and I am now starting to make an income from my blog. This is something I hope to develop so that I can continue to work part time while raising children.

If someone was interested in blogging, what would be a few things you would suggest?

Choose a topic you are passionate about, without passion you will struggle to maintain momentum and produce material that people want to read. Focus your energies on quality not quantity and draw inspiration from a wide range of sources in order to keep your readers engaged.

How do you build a community around a blog and social media?

Identify blogs you enjoy reading and engage with their authors. Be a positive contributor to their sites, commenting and sharing links. Make sure your blog has various social media profiles eg Facebook, Twitter, Google+. This provides readers with a range of ways to connect with your blog and learn about new posts. Join blogging networks and seek out bloggers with subjects similar to your own and engage with them across the social media networks. Most importantly, produce quality content to give readers a reason to keep coming back.

What are your three favorite blogs to read? What makes those blogs special?

All of these blogs reflect the personality of their author and their content is consistently good. Always worth my time.

Which one plugin would you suggest all bloggers to have?

I am going to skip this question. I'm not really sure!


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