Jidhu Jose Photography

Blogger Interview # 31: Grace Olsson

1. Can you tell us a little about yourself and your blog?

My name is Grace Olsson. I was born in Brazil and I moved to Sweden, the first time in 2004. And until that year I did not know anything at all about Bloggers. Not...I did not know...So..I started one and I did not show to anyone. IN March 2005, I opened m,y first blog  www.almacigana.blogspot.com . there I said about my soul and my life in Sweden...And I began to study art in PSP and after some months, I created my first blog layout. I did not want to use A layout like all of Bloggers. Later, in september 2005, we moved back to Brazil, where I finished my course in LAW. In 2007, I had stroke, 3 days after my graduation and my family decided to move again to Sweden, where I could do a better treatment and recover my memory. That happened in 2008. And as I could not work as Lawyer, I studied photography, during one year. I exhibited my photos in a Swedish gallery last year and the money I spent with the Refugee children in Mozambique. Yes! I published one book in Portuguese after my thesis. I visited 9 times the African Continent and the last times were spending with the children.

2. Are you a full time blogger? How did you get into blogging and why?

In normal days, I spend one hour, everyday, visiting friends and readers. And I show my works as photographer in two groups, SKYFRIDAY WATCHER(www.skyley.blogspot.com) and FLOWERS FROM TODAY( www.flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com), on thursday and sunday.But on friday, I spend two hours...I give priority to who show me at the first glance that is a sensitive and honest person. How can I know that? reading...I know if a Blogger is sensitive, honest or not.

3. If someone was interested in blogging, what would be a few things you would suggest?

to be honest with yourself and your ideas.Write with the heart. it does not matter the language, all will understand you. I learned and all are brothers and we are not anything ALONE! I would not be who I am if I had not entered the internet. My best friends were found, before the Blog, via ICQ. And I've traveled to many countries and met with them. without fear. I believe that we came to this life to make a difference

4. How do you build a community around a blog and social media?

During my six years as a blogger, I have participated in various social networks. But the best one, is still the blog and the groups that you're included. THE very beginning of my Internet life, I was part of groups that studied and taught art. I learned how to make layouts, templates, etc.. And it helped me a lot in time to be a good photographer. Later, I was part of groups where they discussed law and negotiations. There, I discovered that I really wanted to devote myself to humanitarian law. And I did receive help from many bloggers, when I went to Africa. I published a book in Brazil, but this book was widely publicized and sold via the Internet. I sold many books. Editora NOVITAs  www.editoranovitas.com.br was at the time, an unknown publisher, but I believed that the owners David and Leticia, two Brazilians who believe in dreams, were serious bloggers.

Now, I participate, via Facebook, only two groups: UPPSALA UNIVERSITYand  International Right and which are the two areas that I will devote the next two years. But not everything on the internet was great. I lived through very hard times with two Brazilian chasing me. I needed to stop my life as Blogger for many months. But I am not a fearful person. And I forgive very easily. A Blogger can hurt me deeply today. If tomorrow, he(or she) needs me, he(she) does not even need to ask. I will offer help.

5. What are your three favorite blogs to read? What makes those blogs special?

First of all, I want to say that all the blogs I have on my list are very special,  but as I need to choose three, I'll say about the blogs below. but I emphasize that all blogs and groups SKYFRIDAY WATCHER Today from FLOWERS are special to me and taught me a lot.I learned many things with my BLogger friends.  They helped me to help the refugee in Africa. They teached me to speak better English after the stroke when I lost part of my memory.
1st: http://orli-shines.blogspot.com/ : Laura Hegfield. She teached me how I could be more HUman. Laura is one very special American Blogger. I love her like my mother. She does not see her body difficulties. She works to help who doesnt have conditiion to buy A WHEELCHAIR. she lives on one, but she did not lose her capacity to love the life.
2nd: http://lucianahaaland.blogspot.com/ : Luciana Håland : In Portuguese language. A Brazilian lawyer who lives in Norway. She abandoned her life in Brasil for her Norwish Husband and she is happy. With her I learned how I can forget all problem. She writes very simple texts. She is not worried on anything. She is honest, clear and transparent. She is simply a normal girl. She is the face of a real Blogger. She shows her face without fear in a time it is not easy to do that on the internet. I found many many trolls, during my six years as Blogger. But most of the people are and were very nice and special person.
3td: http://lotta-hippsomhapp.blogspot.com/  : LOTTA: a Swedish amateur photographer, owner of a wonderful sensibility. If you visit her blog, you'll love the style of photographs that she can display.
I am a professional photographer, but I confess that her pictures are superior to pictures of many photographers that I know.

6. Which one plugin would you suggest all bloggers to have? 

The last posts cause who is reading you today, needs to know about your past life, what you wrote yesterday, is part of your past. And who visit you today, must read to know who you are and what you are looking for...

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  1. Men lilla goa du vad du är snäll. Du är en riktig glädjespridare.
    Jag bockar och niger samtidigt.
    Vilken ära att bli omnämn som en av dina tre favvisar.
    Inte visste jag att du har haft stroke. Det kan man inte märka.
    Du är otrolig kvinna som skriver på svenska och fotar som en gud plus att du hjälper alla som kommer i din väg.
    Om något sånt här skulle drabba mig skall jag tänka på dig och ge allt för att komma tillbaka för nu ser man ju att det går.
    Jag är själv sjukpensionär.Min kropp är byggd av en massa skräp hahahaha.
    Skam den som ger sig. Det var därför jag började fota och det gör jag av hjärtans lust fast det är svårt att komma ner ibland.
    Ja det är ännu värre att komma upp.
    Jag har ju en Sony kamera och på den är det vinkelbar skärm på och det är räddningen ibland.
    ha nu en underbar helg.
    Här skiner solen så jag skall ut och greja i trädgården.
    jag älskar att vara ute.
    Kramizzzzar i massor och jättetack igen

  2. Oh Grace, I am so deeply honored that you mentioned my blog and me. You are such a sweet, sweet soul. I have not been online much this week, as I am receiving strong medication this week to help get new lesions under control in my brain, and my arm is stiff from the port in my vein...but how could I not take a moment to write to you and thank you for your kindness dear one! Bless you, bless you my friend. You know, that any time you are able to make a trip to the East Coast of the United States I would welcome you in my home with open arms!

    Thank you so much Jidhu Jose for interviewing my friend Grace, you could not have chosen a lovelier person to interview.
    gentle steps

  3. Blogging is a good way to meet new people and read their stories that you normally might not have known.

  4. Dear Grace,
    Good Morning!
    Nice to know you better through this interview.
    Happy Blogging!
    Wishing a wonderful day,

  5. Hello Grace ,
    Nice knowing about you through your interview !
    Keep it up Jidhu :)

    umaspoembook *smiles*


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