Can you tell us a little about yourself and your blog?
I'm a married nurse living and working full-time in North Carolina with my husband and our two cats, Lucky & Louie. I enjoy nature, photography, reading, and sharing fun times with our friends.
My Blog :
My Blog :
I blog daily throughout the week. Initially I started blogging as a means of sharing my faith. I still do, but have broadened my horizons a bit. I now share my thoughts on a variety of topics as well. I also host two photo linkies each week - Observing Beauty on Monday and Wordless Wednesday on Wednesday.
If someone was interested in blogging, what would be a few things you would suggest?
I'd recommend first looking around at other blogs hosted by people who share common interests. In this way, you can see concrete examples of what you might like to do... or avoid doing... with your own blog. You can also find out if your concept of a blog is so over-done as to be uninteresting or unique. Check out blog hops to find other blogs you enjoy and comment. Update your content regularly - otherwise your followers are likely to lose interest. Use photos or clipart to create interest in your posts, and don't hesitate to ask other bloggers for suggestions. Don't use "captcha" - it annoys lots of people, including me. Rather, if you're going to allow comments, moderate them. That way you can weed out comments you feel are inappropriate.
How do you build a community around a blog and social media?
First off, I'm only familiar with Google's Blogger platform, so I can't advise how to do this with other platforms. But in Blogger, it is possible to include different ways to follow your blog and to share your blog posts on social media. Encourage bloggers to follow you and promise to follow them back. It's also possible to have your posts uploaded to Facebook and Twitter whenever you post. You may also want to check out the communities in BlogFrog; you're certain to find shared interests there.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- is a wonderful nature blog - excellent photography and often super videos as well. is a place to go for a lighthearted laugh. always has stunning photography. And the reflections found on never fail to make me think.
Which one plugin would you suggest all bloggers to have?
A blog archive in which the reader can poke around for other content that might interest them is one way for visitors to see the type of content you share. If they explore a bit, they may click another valuable plugin - the one allowing them to follow you!